Unconventional Florence, Italy

Dreamy and romantic Venice, Italy

Last but definitely not the least city where we went in Italy was Venice. This city is so different from all the other ones that we visited. So-so-so many tourists that I can?t even imagine just living there and doing daily acitivites. I mean Venice is such a romantic place and I can totally see why couples are going there to spend some qulity time. We walked around a lot and also got lost several times, it is like a labyrinth, really small and narrow streets that you barely can pass. Also, we already knew that ?okay we don?t wanna spend so much time around the most touristic places,? so we just went far inside of Venice to see the real authentic environment. One thing that somebody recommended to us was to get around with boats, so then you could see the city even more and get the most out of it. Anyways Venice for me was a nice experience and as they say it?s a sinking city, so it?s a the place to visit, before it sinks into the sea totally.

Now enjoy some pics.

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Travle companion @ingmarbtker & @ulrikaluks

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  • As my opinion, Venice is quite commercial. Though, it is certainly a photogenic city.
    Enjoy travels!

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    • Rauno

      It was a wonderful and romantic city but I totally agree that it is really touristic and commercial.

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    • I think Venice is what you make of it. I’ve been there twice and I have 2 very different experiences.
      First time in October, it was magical, I truly enjoyed it, walking around, talking with locals and discovering hidden gems, with some shop visits, but not the usual crowded ones around Piazza San Marco.
      Second time was in Summer, with 2 of my friends, who wanted to see all the famous attractions, so we ended up in lots of crowded spaces, walking into many shops. It was super hot and exhausting. And I’ll admit, it wasn’t nearly as good.

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    • Oh, and great pictures! Captures Venice wonderfully.

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    • Rauno

      Thank you Mareks! 🙂

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    • Rauno

      Yes I can really relate to your comment. Venice is totally magical on the time when there are not that many people, for sure it is a tourist destination all around the year but I think the best time is also in autumn.
      Thank you for your comment. 🙂

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Unconventional Florence, Italy